During the quarantine of 2020, I set up virtual drawing sessions online. In a lot of ways, it had given me more material and opportunities to work with people from all over. A lot of the work you see in this section is commission-based works on paper. I love working with a transparent ground to create layers. This creates depth and movement in a 2D work. Lately, I’ve been contemplating simplicity, and what that means to me and my art. Humans are often perceived as complex beings, but it’s amazing what a little bit of listening can do to help ourselves understand one another. Through my drawing style I've found that I’m able to connect with people and embrace simplicity. 

Julia Pileggi and Christine Gennara poetry and visual art collaboration. Together Julia and I unite our styles and interests in the body’s relationship to identity and psychology to create this animated poem. We hope you enjoy. Check out Julia’s work here.




Woman/Man/Person, 2018