I aim to work with people in service and in the arts world to advance their personal lives and their careers. 

Why choose Coaching?

Coaching is about facilitating change that leads to desired results. My practice focuses on an individual’s life as it relates to dreams, outcome creation, and personal change management. If you feel like you need support in any of these fields, or if you feel stuck in making an important decision in your life, then coaching is right for you. My role is to assist you in deepening your learning, and help you move forward.

My Mission

I believe in the power of self-awareness and social awareness. Self-awareness is the fuel for self-development and growth, and it allows my clients to recognize what they need (and already have) to live a values-aligned life both personally and professionally. Social awareness is recognizing where and how we relate to others, and understanding what we can do with this knowledge to support positive environments around us. 

My approach is not to give advice, nor to sell a lifestyle, but to help each individuals figure out what will work for you based on your own personal experiences, values, and needs.

My goal is to help people working in the creative industries such as hospitality, freelance art, and similar careers to feel fulfilled and in control.

What I Offer

I understand the rewards, passions, and challenges of creative and restaurant work - the weird eating habits, late nights, substance abuse, and lack of set schedules and deadlines. The resources provided for folks in these industries are limited so I am here to offer support through my menu of services. I hope to help people create boundaries, a healthy work/life balance, and career advancement. 

Coaching Services

  • 60-Minute, FREE

    Don’t know how coaching can help you? Let’s use this hour to define what it is and how it could help you achieve your goals.

  • 12, 60-Minute Sessions

    I understand the bad eating and sleeping habits that come with an irregular schedule. Late nights, quick bites, and maybe a little too much alcohol*. Use this program to help you understand what health means and looks like for you. Structure the lifestyle that will allow you to prioritize you and your health.

    I can support you to:

    -obtain a clear idea of who you are, what your needs are, and ways you want to be healthy;

    -create a plan of how you can prioritize your health;

    -practice strategies to tackle what’s holding you back and to take initiative and action;

    -maintain habits that will move you toward better sleep and healthy eating; and,

    -strive for a life of self-acceptance, self-trust, and confidence to feel healthy and in control.

    *Substance addiction is a mental health issue that should be addressed by a mental health professional. I’m happy to talk about goals around building a healthy relationship with drugs and alcohol, but I am not a mental health professional and I don't have the qualifications to help navigate substance abuse treatments.

  • 12, 60-Minute Sessions

    Want to be more purposeful with your time? Having trouble staying committed to self-initiated projects? Use this program to help strengthen your time-management skills so your personal passions, chores, and relationships don’t falter. Discover ways to schedule the life you truly want.

    I can support you to:

    -prioritize time for your passions outside of your job;

    -understand the importance of maintaining a schedule;

    -foster habits that will lead you towards a better work/life balance;

    -cultivate a clear idea of who you are, what your needs are, and how you see yourself living to your fullest potential;

    -control what’s holding you back, and to take initiative and action to overcome it; and,

    -strive for a life of self-acceptance, self-trust, and confidence to live the life you want.

  • 12, 60-Minute Sessions

    Things can start to feel a little stagnant in the creative and service industries after some time. You may be feeling like you want to change things up, or perhaps even to move up within the industry. With this program, discover what's making you feel stagnant, and what your next move in life will be.

    I can support you to:

    -obtain a clear idea of who you are, what your needs are and how you see your future self;

    -make a plan that utilizes your skills and lets you express yourself authentically;

    -start acting towards the career change or advancement that you’ve always wanted;

    -understand ways to control the fear and take initiative and action; and,

    -strive for a life of self-acceptance, self-trust and confidence to live the life you want.

  • 12, 60-Minute Sessions

    Being a leader definitely has its ups and downs. This program is designed to help leaders connect with their teams, grow their skill sets, and address any certain occurring issues. With this program, discover what your values and strengths are, and ways to apply them to your methods of leading.

    I can support you to:

    -obtain a clear idea of what kind of leader you are, and want to be;

    -discover your strengths and values;

    -create self-awareness to be the best version of yourself;

    -make a plan to help implement communication skills, and strengths that are discovered;

    -trust in your team when you are not around;

    -understand what’s holding you back from being the leader you want to be;

    learn ways to connect and communicate more with your team; and,

    strive for a life of self-acceptance, self-trust and confidence to live the life you want.


What folks are saying:


"Working with Christine has been so helpful for many different areas of my life. She really listens to what I'm saying and then prompts me to reach a conclusion by asking questions that make me dig deep within myself to answer. She's so caring and kind and only wants the best for her clients! I highly recommend her to anyone looking to achieve their goals and learn more about themselves!" -Sydney O.

“Christine is an amazing coach. During the past few months, she has helped me navigate some very important life decisions and work through my self-doubts by asking very powerful questions and listening at the third level. What I love the most about her coaching style is that she bases her coaching around the client's values and is very good at keeping her own values aside when coaching. She was also a master at getting me to arrive at my own solutions vs. advising me on what I should do. She truly believes in empowering her clients.

Christine is open, approachable, relatable, and honest. She is not afraid to explore deep emotions that may scare others and this helped us find root causes instead of staying on the surface. The space she created for me during our coaching sessions and her empathetic presence were priceless. I always felt that she was in my corner and was cheering for me.

I owe a lot to Christine and her coaching and can recommend her to anyone who's looking to gain more clarity and achieve tremendous growth in life. I wish her the very best!” -Sabrina S

“Working with Christine has changed my life. It is an hour of me-time where I get to sort out my personal goals and professional goals. She keeps me on track to commit to the actions I want to take to be my best self. She is so compassionate and can pick up on things I say and reflect them back to me in such a way that gives me new insight that I would not be able to see on my own. With Christine keeping me accountable I am much farther in my goals than I have been in my life. Chatting with Christine is my favourite time of the week.” - Erica G.

“Christine’s coaching has been a real help to me during a time of major transition in my life. She has helped me to realize that change is possible and helped me get to a place where I have more control over myself. I learned I am my worst enemy, and as a result, am doing what I can to maintain better habits. Thanks to Christine I feel less hopeless and more positive.” -Josh G.

What are my rates?

It’s important to me that I’m able to provide a service to all humans. I would love to offer you sessions at the following rates per hour based on which of the following attributes apply to you the most.

$40/hour or PWYC, $440 for 12 sessions.

- you are supporting children/elders or other dependents

-you have significant debt including uncovered medical expenses

- you receive public assistance

- work is unavailable or challenging due to your immigration or incarceration status

- you are currently or recently experiencing housing instability

$70/hour, or $770 for 12 sessions.

- you rent your home

- you have moderate debt & budget your finances

- you have completed high school and/or college

- you are a citizen/documented permanent resident of the country you live in

- you have some money in savings or retirement accounts

$100/hour, $1100 for 12 sessions.

- you own your home

- you have investments, retirement accounts, and/or inherited wealth

- you travel recreationally

- you are a citizen/documented permanent resident of the country you live in

- your education and/or experiences were paid for by your parents, grandparents, or other relatives/connections

- you have friends and family who could provide support in times of financial need or transitions

Follow my journey.